Monday, October 8, 2012

Most Important Principle of the Constitution

I personally believe that the most important principle of the constitution is the rights of the individuals. As the government has established, the people hold all power in our democracy and their rights have changed America in very dramatic ways. Also, the rights of individuals has become a huge debate. Gay rights, immigration policies, and in the past, the civil rights movement. Individual rights is a very important part of our government, in my honest opinion.


  1. Hi Christian

    In many ways I agree with you on this topic. I personally find it very hard to pick the most importnat part of the constitution but this is definitely one of the big ones. This is one of the main reasons that our democracy functions as it does. Making it so there can not be one official with too much power, is an absolutely crucial part of the political system. It is my personal option that the question of gay rights should not even be brought up. If two men or two women love each other, I interpret the constitution as completely allowing it. This was a well written post, nice job.


  2. Hi Gabe, I enjoyed reading your post! Do you really think the people have the power? or is it the people in office that have all the power?
